Saturday, February 6, 2010

CNY cookies 3 - milky balls


butter 50g
sugar 30g
egg yolk 10g
flour 50g
corn flour 50g

1. Cream butter with sugar, then add in egg yolk.
2. shift in the two type of flour and mix well.
3. divide the dough into small balls and pressed lightly on the pan.
4. bake at 160 degree C for 15 mins.
5. shift on icing sugar on the top of the cookies after they turn cool.

1. we had forgotten to shift on icing sugar but the cookies still taste great. i think the icing sugar will sugar improve its flavour.

source: forbidden garden

1 comment:

  1. it more less tasted like "kuih mo-mo" but was more 香脆,在口中自然融化.............
