Saturday, December 19, 2009

Honey Cheddar Cupcake

This is an experiment version of the honey cake adapted from Kitchen 70's.

egg 5
sugar 100g
honey 80g
plain flour + bp 160g
milk 50g
butter 20g
Cheddar cheese(shredded) up-to-u
1.Beat egg until light yellow, then add in sugar, then honey.
2. Fold in flour, then milk and then butter.
3. Lastly, add in cheddar cheese. Leave some as toppings.
4. Bake at 160 degree celcius for 30 mins.

1. The toppings(cheese) and the bottom of the cake was burnt and the texture is quite dry, so i think the temperature can be reduced.
2. The flavour of the cheese is not so obvious but i like the honey flavour of the cake.

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