Sunday, December 27, 2009

Yummy wholemeal bread (RECOMMENDED)

A 385g hp flour
165g wholemeal flour
35g brown sugar
10g instant yeast
B 120g overnite sponge dough
C 350g cold water
1/2 tbsp honey
D 40g butter

1. Mix A well, add in B then C. Mix to form a dough
2. Add in D, knead to form a smooth & elastic dough, seal with cling wrap, sleep for 45 mins
3.Divide into 2/3 partitions, mould it round and rest for another 10 mins.
4. Flattern the dough, roll it up like swiss roll. Place into greased tin, allow to proof for 60 mins or double size.
5. BAke at 210 degree C for 35 min. Remove immediately when baked.

Source: Unknown

Plain Sponge cake

A butter 60g
B flour 80g
C evaporated milk 80g
D egg yolk 5 + 1 whole egg
E egg white 5 + sugar 100g

1. Melt A, add in B, then C, then D.
2. Beat egg white till stiff.
3. mix egg white into the mixture 1.
4. Bake at 170 degree C for 25 mins.

1.We had tried the recipe twice but it doesn't come out good. the cake is flatten. but the taste is good.

source: kitchen 70's

Healthy wholemeal bread (50% wholemeal flour)

A Wholemeal flour 424g
hp Flour 212g
yeast 8.5g
water 403g
B hp flour 212g
brown sugar 68g
milk powder 34g
cold water 160(+-5g)
C butter 50g

1. Mix A, sleep for 30-60 mins in room temperature. Seal and put in the fridge for > 12 hrs. (max 3 days)
2. mix A with B add in C
3. Sleep for 25-35 mins.
4. rolled into shape and put in the greased tin. Let sleep until the size of the dough expand to twice of the original size.
5. Bake at 200/210 degree C for 35-40 mins.

1. The original recipe is too salty, so i remove the salt in this version of recipe.
2. while mixing B, the dough is sticky and watery. so u may need to add some more hp flour to enable you get a smoother dough.
3. this bread has high contain of wholemeal and is more suitable for those who love wholemeal bread. For those who not really like it, u can try another recipe which contain less wholemeal flour.
4. The bread smells nice while bake and the texture is good too!!
5. The bread is really filling. My bro n I share one burger as our breakfast.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Potato Biscuits

This is a good one and i like a taste. It is a healthier option rather than having potato chips.

Mashed potato 200g
太白粉 60g
salad oil 30g


ground black pepper 1/3 tsp
salt 1/4 tsp

1. Cook potato cube in boil water for 10 mins.
2. Drain and mash potato the cooked potato. Let cool.
3. mix in the flavours and knead into dough.
4. Spread a cling wrap on table. spread the mashed potatoes and put on another sheet of cling wrap.
5. roll the potatoes into a thin sheet of app 0.3mm thick.
6. Cut into desired shapes and bake at 170 degree C for 15-18 mins.
7. Then, turn to 150 degree C and bake for 5 mins. Let cool in the oven. (Don't overbake)

Alternative flavours:



Serving suggestion:

This is how my mummy eat. Curious about the taste? It's just taste like ice-cream and potato biscuits. Haha!! Not bad and not really good, but worth a try.

1.The appearance of the biscuits seen on the source is quite pale with a touch of light yellow. Apparently, we had over-baked the biscuits as it turn into golden colour. As a result the biscuits is too hard.
2.The biscuits is soft while hot, so don't think that it is uncooked and keep on baking.

Source: Carol

Honey Cheddar Cupcake

This is an experiment version of the honey cake adapted from Kitchen 70's.

egg 5
sugar 100g
honey 80g
plain flour + bp 160g
milk 50g
butter 20g
Cheddar cheese(shredded) up-to-u
1.Beat egg until light yellow, then add in sugar, then honey.
2. Fold in flour, then milk and then butter.
3. Lastly, add in cheddar cheese. Leave some as toppings.
4. Bake at 160 degree celcius for 30 mins.

1. The toppings(cheese) and the bottom of the cake was burnt and the texture is quite dry, so i think the temperature can be reduced.
2. The flavour of the cheese is not so obvious but i like the honey flavour of the cake.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Egg Tart


A flour 125g
milk powder 7.5g
sugar 30g
B butter(cold) 85g
C egg 20g


A egg 240g
sugar 80g
salt 1g
B fresh milk 150g
water 80g
1. mix A, add in B
2. add in C and knead into dough, wrapped by cling wrap
3. keep in fridge for 1/2 hr
4. knead suitable size of dough and pressed in the greased tart cases.
5. trim the excess pastry and prick bottom of dough.
6. bake at 170 degree C for 10-15 mins.
7. Let cool.

1. mix A. Add in B and shift
2. pour in the pastry and bake at 180 degree C for 18-20 mins.

1. The sugar of the pastry can be reduced since the filling is sweet enough.
2. I love the soft texture of the filling. So keep and eye on the tart while u bake. Take it out of the oven once the filling turn into solid. Don't overbake.
3. During our first attempt, we didn't prebake the pastry. Yet it still come out right but just a bit too soft (for the pastry).

source: kitchen 70's

Blueberry Cheese Tart


A flour 125g
milk powder 7.5g
sugar 30g
B butter(cold) 85g
C egg 20g


cream cheese 150g
castor sugar 30g
egg 1/2
lemon juice 1/4 tsp
fresh cream(whipped) 60g

1. mix A, add in B
2. add in C and knead into dough, wrapped by cling wrap
3. keep in fridge for 1/2 hr
4. knead suitable size of dough and pressed in the greased tart cases.
5. trim the excess pastry and prick bottom of dough
6. bake at 170 degree C for 10-15 mins.
7. Let cool.

1.beat cheese and sugar, add in egg and beat
2. mix in lemon juice and fresh cream.
3. fill the cheese mixture into the pastry and bake at 160-170 degree C for 10 mins.
4. let cool and remove from cases.
5. put in fridge for 3 hrs.

kitchen 70's and moon


This blog is created for my mummy to store her recipes efficiently.

Mummy loves baking and keeps a lot of recipes but one of the major problems is to store her recipes and notes. Often we faced problems of remembering once we've made a yummy cake BUT where the hell is the recipe!!! So I decided to create this blog so that she can keep a record of all her stuff and share with others, if possible.

*****ENJOY BAKING******

Tze Hui